Having seen several small videos from the war in Ukraine, I suggest there must be some optimal strategy for escaping an otherwise 100% certain kill during drone-guided shelling, artillery fire, or hits from handheld rocket launchers.
Tanks taking down by guided artillery fire.
The first explosion is often a miss used to direct the following rounds. A tank crew then has a few seconds to make decisions. Often the decision, according to YouTube videos, is to drive the belt off or try to hide in a building soon to be the target of a direct hit. The number of deaths may be reduced significantly by adopting a general tactic, i.e. relative to the location of the first explosion escape the tank and try to save yourselves, or drive away from the targeted zone if a sufficient amount of meters away from the first explosion.
Attacks on single armored vehicles on patrol, like the video below, are another example. Why drive away to a non-protected hideout. The frame of the vehicle is no longer safe, and personnel could have escaped.
It is not just Russian army tactics that are miserable. It is 2022 army tactics in general that need a revision for modern-day warfare and the use of drones. The Russians in particular seem to be in favor of sticking to their vehicles on patrol and during transportation.