I have chosen to emphasize quantifiable knowledge, i.e. knowledge you are able to list, visualize and
connect based on quarterly figures, company report, BI, customer intelligence, relevant business media. A specification of steps in an analysis, which will also contain qualitative elements.
Inspiration is drawn from Luc de Brabanderes “Thinking in new boxes”.

“When I see the quarterly figures of my competitors, I see no reason to change my strategy for the future” 1. “see” · Map the company’s relative position to competitors, including recent development and trends. · Compare the present state map with the strategic plan in effect. · Is there a need for a new combination of figures or connections (new boxes)? 2. “figures” · I assume the strategy of the company is welldefined, without ambiguities and documented in a white paper or company report, i.e. we decide how to perceive and which concepts to use in a description of company, market and strategy. · Try to pinpoint the most central entities from the quarterly report and illustrate these in a few separate graphs, then perform a mismatch analysis in which current position is compared to predicted position based on figures from the time you developed the current strategy. · List the company’s most important values as a subset of a matrix, a canvas or a dictionary of central business concepts (sustainability, entrepreneural spirit, loyalty, service, adaptability …) then match these terms or concepts with relevant figures. 3. “competitors” · Are there any jumps or radical changes on key business values and performance indicators among your competition? · What are long term effect of these changes given current and expected conditions on the market? · State the current and future landmarks in the implementation of the current strategy. 4. “change” · Question your confidence in the current strategy based on a whatif analysis using different scenarios for developments in key figures. · How sensitive are figures and trends? · How do change effect the overall mapping of the position of the company? 5. “strategy” · Based on different scenarios: Is the company heading toward advancement or reduction. · Try to reiterate/revisualize the process behind the creation of the current strategy. · Evaluate the current tools and implementation plan for the current strategy: Do they adapt to changes and different scenarios and what are the risks (Eureka or Caramba)? 6. “future” · How certain is our vision of the future? · Do we need to change strategy based on cultural changes, e.g. new fashions, developments or megatrends? · Is it possible and profitable to recapture or reconceptualize parts of the business and the company?