dplyr or base R
The power of SAS Proc SGPLOT: Survival Plots
Simulation of hemophilia bleeds
SAS University Edition load error solution
Indicators from numeric factor variables
Graphics in SAS SGPLOT illustrating ANOVA analysis results.
T tests in censored normal distribution
Up-and-down dose response study design
Stata Workflow optimization with GRAPHLOG
Set Exchange Server properties
Half-whiskers plot of difference in treatment effect
CUSUM plots for operating time
Comorbidity indexes in SQL
Produce animation in R illustrating uniform and Gaussian density
Prevalence models in health science
Illustrative plots and tables (SAS macro)
Macro scheme for generation of RFM-I data
Extracting variables and estimates from SAS prediction models
Extracting selected variables from the hpgenselect procedure using code
Modeling gender and age adjusted incidence rates