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Indicators from numeric factor variables

The macro call below will generate indicators for all factor levels of xfaktor from the data set regdata represented by at least 5 observations. I have developed the macroes to avoid class variables in SAS regression analyses.

%indicator(xfaktor,regdata,5); /* Macro to generate dummy variables. */ %MACRO GETCON;   %DO I = 1 %TO &N;   %IF &&M&I NE 0 %THEN %PUT &factor&I;   %IF &&M&I = 0 %THEN %GOTO OUT;     IF &factor = &&M&I THEN &factor&I = 1;     ELSE &factor&I = 0;   %OUT: %END; %MEND GETCON; %macro indicator(factor,dataset,size); data tbl_data_; set &dataset(keep=&factor); run; proc sort data=tbl_data_; by &factor; run; data tbl_; set tbl_data_; by &factor; retain sz; if first.&factor then sz=1; else sz=sz+1; if last.&factor then output; run; PROC SORT DATA=tbl_(where=(sz GE &size)) OUT=UNIQUE NODUPKEY;   BY &factor; RUN; /* Assign the largest value of CON to the macro variable N. */ DATA _NULL_;   SET UNIQUE END=LAST;   IF LAST THEN CALL SYMPUT(‘N’, PUT(&factor, 8.)); RUN; /* Assign the initial value 0 to all macro variables. */ DATA _NULL_;   DO I = 1 TO &N;     CALL SYMPUT(‘M’||LEFT(PUT(I, 8.)), ‘0’);   END; RUN; /* Assign the value of CON to the corresponding macro variable. */ DATA _NULL_;   SET UNIQUE;   CALL SYMPUT(‘M’||LEFT(PUT(&factor, 8.)), PUT(&factor, 8.)); RUN; /* Create dummy variables. */ DATA &dataset;   SET &dataset;   %GETCON RUN; %mend;

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